Restore an Ailing Seniorcare Provider to Fiscal Health

Omni Health Systems, a major long-term care provider in New Jersey, faced fragmentation with 18 independently operating centers and negative publicity from past labor disputes. Seeking to unify its brand and operations, Omni engaged with us in a rebranding process that resulted in the creation of Alaris Health. This new identity reflects a cohesive vision and showcases the integrated healthcare network. The strategic branding initiative involved input from internal and external stakeholders and included a master brand architecture to enhance operational efficiency. Since the launch, community awareness and stakeholder perceptions of quality and service have improved, with strong employee support for the new brand.

Renaming and Trademark Protection  /  Brand Identity  /  Positioning  /  Brand Guide  /  Communication Strategy

  • Referrals: +37%

  • Admissions: +21%

  • Revenue Growth: +18%

  • Website Traffic: +1226%

Ralph is long-time collaborator who we have used as our “go to guy” for all types of marketing and design projects. His keen “sales” sense informs his projects – and makes them very effective. His designs are not only award-winning but very accessible. Having worked with literally dozens of designers and art directors over 20 years, I can say that Ralph is simply the best I’ve worked with.

Jose Palomino, CEO and Author |

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